Senior SQL DBA in Boston, MA

Senior SQL DBA(Project Lead)

This is a high end DBA and submit candidates only with 7+ years of relavant experience .Should have team lead experience

Duration : 1 year

Experience: a.Database server capacity planning, (storage, CPU, memory) for OLTP environments b.Knowledge of maintenance of Schemas, Tablespaces and Data files c.Knowledge of User and Role Creation, Managing roles and system privileges d.Tuned the oracle memory structure (Buffer cache, library cache, Shared spool, sort area). e.Query optimization using explain plan, TKProf, Hints etc for Application Tuning f.Database Tuning & Performance Enhancement (SQL Tuning) for number of applications g.Actively involved in Shell scripting for various cron jobs to be run. h.Data modeling using Erwin i.Knowledge of oracle streams j.Hands on PL/SQL coding, Expertise in oracle (10g) PL/SQL, query tuning k.Knowledge of oracle streams l.Assist in analyzing & defect fixing To Apply to this job go to or click here