Data Warehouse Developer in Boston, MA

Job Description: The client is looking for a Data Warehouse Developer to replace the current Comm onwealth Information Warehouse (CIW), which is the primary source for reporting financial, payroll, and human resource data on programs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.Contractors entering into this project will be responsible with th e migration of the data in NewMMars and any other data source that the Commonwea lth decides to migrate during the project. Specific tasks will be assigned by th e CIW Project Managers within the Application Development Group (ITD). The contr actor will perform duties necessary for the following: backfill responsibilities and fulfill tasks normally performed by the CIW support team and perform tasks for the migration project. These tasks include but are not limited to: 1)Become proficient on all aspects of the current CIW environment. 2)Help document the current data model. 3)Participate in all the design and implementation meetings around the migration project. 4)Develop conceptual models representing the application and its components usin g appropriate modeling techniques. 5)Develop functional specifications for all needed software using appropriate mo deling techniques. 6)Document the new data model. 7)Become proficient in the current Informatica ETL job streams. 8)Write detailed programming specifications for online functions, reports, inter faces, and conversion software, if needed. 9)Help migrate current Informatica ETL job streams to the new ETL environment an d make the necessary changes to ensure that incremental and a data transfer jobs work as expected. 10)Help tune and the new Informatica job streams to reduce daily load time. 11)Design the unique ID job stream in the new Netezza based ETL environment. 12)Participate in various testing assignments, including the development of deta iled functional test plans. 13)Responsible for unit testing including: documenting the test plan and documen ting results of executing the test plan if necessary develop data test sets. 14)Code and unit test modules/programs, following any program specifications and programming standards that exist. 15)Responsible for bug fixes and the support of end users during User Acceptance and rollout of the solution. 16)Responsible for building ETL streams to validate data loads. 17)Lead/facilitate/participate in joint Application Design meetings with users a nd CIW staff. 18)Develop production processing documentation in standard format. 19)Contribute comments and feedback during walkthroughs of specifications, codin g and test plans, as well as other construction and implementation deliverables. 20)Any other tasks as assigned by the CIW Project Managers within the Applicatio n Development Group (ITD.) Qualifications: PL/SQL 3-4 years experience; -Ability to understand and work with parameter b ased stored procedures. SQL 3-4 years of experience; -Participate in various testing assignments, in cluding the development of detailed functional test plans. -Responsible for unit testing including: documenting the test plan and documenting results of executi ng the test plan if necessary develop data test sets. -Code and unit test modu les/programs, following any program specifications and programming standards tha t exist. -Responsible for bug fixes and the support of end users during User Acc eptance and rollout of the solution. Cognos 3-4 years experience;-Modify 16 catalogs to use NETEZZA tables and vi ews. -Import metadata-Joins and Conditions-Calculations-Prompts-Generate folders -Generate User Classes (integral to security and report bursting) -Add filters t o User Classes -Modify reports to use updated catalogs -Generate SQL statement o f PRODUCTION reports and screen prints (as needed). -Re-point report query data definitions to new folders and columns. -Update report summary and detail filter s. -Run test sample of report and validate against back end data.-Generate SQL s tatement of test sample. -Compare SQL statements between production and test. -R un full report against both production and test (with filters as close as possib le to proximate data comparisons) (Unit test). Unix 2-3 years experience Red Hat Linux; -Experience with creating and maint aining Unix scripts.-Experience with creating scripts to call Informatica pre lo ad process, post load process and workflows. Informatica 3-4 years Informatica 7.1.4; -Become proficient in the current To Apply to this job go to or click here